Substitution, delivery and commissioning of low-oil measuring transformers in 110 kV Indoor Switchgear of main step-down substation GPP-2 in LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD

LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD


Assigned: 2015 / Completed: 2016

Project description

Project includes implementation of electrical installation works and supply of equipment for substitution of 110 kV low-oil measuring transformers with SF6 ones, and commissioning thereof. Place of work is Indoor Switchgear of main step-down substation GPP-2 in LUKOIL Neftohim Burgas AD oil refinery.


  • Making and installing steel structures;
  • Dismantle of measuring transformers and three-phased conductor deviations;
  • Supply of 110 kV current measuring transformers;
  • Substitution of low-oil measuring transformers with SF6 ones, installing three-phased conductor deviations and connections;
  • Supply, pulling and connection of control cables;
  • Control tests and commissioning of 110 kV measuring transformers.



Certificate BG          Certificate EN