Substitution of 29 frequency drives for electromotors of air coolers in Hydrocracking Complex

LUKOIL Neftochim Burgas AD

Location: Burgas

Assigned: February 2019 / Completed: May 2019

Subject of this Project is substitution of existing frequency drives for electromotors of air coolers in Hydrocracking Complex. For the purpose of the project a control circuit for the new ATV630 frequency drives is developed, in line with the existing circuit.

Scope of the contract includes the following activities:

  • Dismantle of cables and switchboards;
  • Delivery of 29 units frequency drives;
  • Manufacturing and installation of 6 bays with frequency drives for electromotors of air coolers;
  • Delivery and installing steel structures;
  • Delivery and installing cables;
  • Control tests and commissioning the equipment installed.